☞ GitHub
Bayesian inference on on a whole-brain model of epielpsy spread (BVEP), using
Soure localization in BVEP:
Bayesian inference on a slow-fast dynamical system (2D-Epileptor), using Stan/PyMc3/Numpyro/SBI:
Spectral power fitting using optimization algorithms (PSO, DE, GA, CMAES, etc) and MCMC sampling:
Time series forcasting using AR, LSTM, Gussian process:
PdPk models using Stan:
Hidden Markov Model (HMM):
Vector Autoregressive (VAR) model:
Probabilistic PCA using PyMC3 and scikit-learn:
8schoolsexample using Stan/PyMc3/Numpyro:
Polynomial fitting and order selection using Stan:
Delay Differential Equations (DDEs):
TVB, Stan, PyMC3, NumPyro, and SBI, at source and sensor levels:
☞ BVEP in GitHub